We Take Sustainability Seriously In All Our Downtown Kent Spaces
What we're doing...
Since our inception over 30 years ago, eliminating waste has been a priority at KentSuites. We were one of the first apartment rental companies in Kent to place water-saver shower heads in all bathroom units. Practicaly all of the lightbulbs used in our rental units are low energy with soft white glow. Exterior security lighting uses motion sensors as to not waste energy with constant-on lighting.
Energy saving appliances and set-back thermostats are used throughout our downtown kent rental units. Gardens are fed with rain water collection systems. Insulation and energy efficient doors and windows help keep utility costs low throughout or Victorian and modern apartment units.
Why we like working with Century Homes...
We only remodel and update centery old buildings. In this way, the carbon footprint of our structures is is drasticly reduced yet providing quality housing at an affordable price. Not only are the origional building materials used in older buildings preserved, they are by far, of better quality in density and durability! As a testement to this fact, just look at the years they have been standing strong and in use? Quite a challenge for newer housing construction materials and methods which have yet to prove the test of time. By also incorportatig found objects into our designs, there is a second direct positive impact in the reduction of the carbon footprint of our buildings.
The Future...

We have Big Plans for our buildings
- Solar
- Alternative transportations
- Technologies not yet invented
Customer Rating
Based on customer surveys, KentSuites has consistantly recieved a 4 and 1/2 star rating or better on the following catagories....
Amenities, Experience, Communication, Over All Services
Kent Suites Customer Ratings ()
Note: The graph can not do decimal ponts... so rounds it up to 5
The student workers, faculty, and I have enjoyed working with you for this past two years.
Your professionalism and support has been extremely important to the success of the Downtown Gallery, which was able to maintain a downtown presence as a result of our shared collaboration.
Anderson Turner,
Kent State University School of Art
Anne R LaForte,